Performance Check
A slow website will hurt your business a lot. That’s why you need to benchmark your website performance regularly and react if something goes wrong.
The Performance Check gives you insight into what is happening with your website and how it’s performing. It’s the first step to solving your problems, the Performance Check tells you what they are. It gives you a breakdown of the factors that are affecting your website. You can see each individual factor and its grade, as well as giving you recommendations on how to improve your website performance. You can also follow your website performance over time, marked on a timeline.
Website Performance Check information is included in your Monthly Maintenance Report, where you can track and compare the website performance scores over time.
A performance benchmark on your WordPress website – based on analysis from Google PageSpeed and Yahoo! YSlow rulesets. This benchmark can provide a ranked insight into the individual factors that affect your site speed. This knowledge can aid you in improving performance of your website.